Klaus Lichtenauer

Klaus Lichtenauer

Management Consulting, Coaching & Interim Management

Transform Your Future

My focus is on three different aspects in supporting my clients - management consulting, interim management and coaching.
I was able to acquire the tools for these approaches during my many years of international management experience when I worked for a large German energy corporation in various IT management positions.

My personal values are essentially based on trust, openness, responsibility, integrity, discipline and flexibility. Combined with a very positive mindset, they are the key to my success as well as to the achievement of my clients' goals.


Do you want to develop a new IT strategy? Do you need an experienced transformation manager for your digitization? Are you looking for expertise to optimize your IT costs?

Do you need a sparring partner in your personal or professionally driven change processes? Would you like to add another perspective to your decision-making processes or courses of action?

Are you looking for an experienced senior manager on a temporary basis? Would you like to entrust a complex challenge to an internationally experienced executive for a limited period of time?

Do you need a sparring partner in your personal or professionally driven change processes? Would you like to add another perspective to your decision-making processes or courses of action?

Do you want to develop a new IT strategy? Do you need an experienced transformation manager for your digitization? Are you looking for expertise to optimize your IT costs?

Are you looking for an experienced senior manager on a temporary basis? Would you like to entrust a complex challenge to an internationally experienced executive for a limited period of time?


Klaus Lichtenauer
since 09/2020
Self-employed as a management consultant, coach and interim manager
since 09/2020
03/2019 – 08/2020
Interim CIO and IT program manager for the digital transformation of an energy provider in the UK
03/2019 – 08/2020
10/2017 – 03/2019
Responsibility as program manager for a group-wide application outsourcing of an international energy provider to two strategic IT partners in India
10/2017 – 03/2019
Klaus Lichtenauer
01/2014 – 12/2015
Divisional director for the Business IT department in the region of Central and Eastern Europe (Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary) of an international energy provider
01/2014 – 12/2015
11/2005 – 09/2017
Responsibility as managing director of IT organizations or as CIO for the foreign subsidiaries in Romania, Italy and Slovakia of an international energy provider with headquarters in Germany
11/2005 – 09/2017
09/1996 – 03/2003
Management of various SAP projects including the responsibility of a SAP practice in an international consulting company as well as the setup and management of a SAP R/3 Customer Competence Center at a global IT distributor
09/1996 – 03/2003
Klaus Lichtenauer
03/1986 – 08/1996
Software developer and software architect in system and application programming at various hardware and software service companies
03/1986 – 08/1996
Graduation from a vocational college for data processing as a business data processing specialist


Klaus Lichtenauer


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